About Western Asset
About Us
Everywhere, connected.
Maximizing the impact of ideas, experience and acumen from professionals in nine locations around the world.
Maximizing the impact of ideas, experience and acumen from professionals in nine locations around the world.
Fixed-Income Specialists
- We provide tailored, world-class fixed-income expertise in any currency, we are dedicated to a single asset class around the world, and we give our clients open access to the perspectives of the Firm’s acknowledged thought leaders—professionals with expert understanding of markets and market cycles.
- We’ve designed a unique investment philosophy, which incorporates our proprietary risk systems, to support our long-term fundamental value investing approach.
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Globally Integrated Investment Platform
- Western Asset Management is a global specialist firm of experienced fixed-income experts, operating as a single team with an open, integrated investment platform. Our collegial team culture is an advantage that makes the most of the combined experience and fixed-income acumen of our investment professionals throughout the world.
- Western Asset utilizes our globally-integrated operations platform to help preserve value and drive performance, and we leverage it as a catalyst for diversification and value creation.